Chandra Nelogal

Dell Technologies

Chandra Nelogal is an Engineering Technologist working in the area of data storage and security in the Dell’s Infrastructure Solutions Group. Chandra represents Dell in the Trusted Computing group, co-chairing the Storage Work group. Chandra works in the area of data storage solutions, systems management and security. Chandra contributes to the DICE work group in TCG as well as to other work groups in other Industry standards organizations that focus on platform infrastructure and security(DMTF). Chandra is a prolific inventor with 64 granted patents. Chandra has a B.S. in Computer Science from Bangalore University in India, and an M.S. in Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in the US.

The Storage Work Group under the Trusted Computing Group is active in security technologies related to data storage and focuses…

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DMTF has released SPDM version 1.3, with a number of enhancements to the protocol. These include: - Support for multiple…

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